WESTFIELD, Massachusetts – November 26, 2019 – Savage Arms is proud to announce its sponsorship of the National Outdoor Women’s Weekend (NOWW) March 6, 7, and 8, 2020, in Phoenix. This inaugural event is dedicated to the inclusion of women in the shooting and hunting sports and will feature classes, seminars, range time, as well as opportunities for fun and recreation.
“Savage is proud to support the mission of NOWW,” said Beth Shimanski, Director of Marketing for Savage. “We are committed to helping women succeed in the shooting sports. NOWW will help build skills and connect women who are passionate about shooting sports.”
“We are excited to bring the first of its kind event to Phoenix,” Renee Wittrock, Co-Chairman NOWW 2020, said. “The National Outdoor Women’s Weekend intends to bring women from across the country to participate in a shooting and seminar event that includes everything from personal development to dog training and wildlife cooking.”
The event commences Friday with a golf event and the opportunity to meet NOWW’s sponsors, volunteers, and other participants. Saturday and Sunday mornings will begin with personal development coaching from Deborah Dubree, a coach who works with professional athletes from the NFL and PGA.
Participants will have the chance to shoot Sporting Clays and get personal coaching from pro shooter and Quail Forever life member Anna V of Anna V Outdoors. Franchi Shotgun Pro Staffers and Firearms Safety Instructors Tina Dokken and Simone Schara will give an introduction to Upland Hunting. Noted dog trainer, author, and inventor of the Dokken Deadfowl Trainer Tom Dokken will discuss dog training. And Tiffany Lakosky of The Crush with Lee and Tiffany, along with Tina Dokken, will headline the Saturday evening banquet and participate in seminars.
These presentations will be rounded out by a VIP Wine & Wild game event, a game cooking seminar, and Valley of the Sun Quail Forever, together with the Arizona Game and Fish Department, will educate on species and habitat issues.
For more information on the event, go to https://www.votsqf.com/noww.html.
Savage press releases can be found at https://savagearms.com/content?p=news.
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Media contact: Cathy Williams, Murray Road Agency
E-Mail: cathy.williams@murrayroadagency.com
About Savage
Headquartered in Westfield, Massachusetts for more than 125 years, Savage is one of the world’s largest manufacturers of hunting, competition and targeting shooting centerfire and rimfire rifles, and shotguns. Their firearms are best known for accuracy, performance and innovation. The entrepreneurial spirit that originally defined the company is still evident in its ongoing focus on continuous innovation, craftsmanship, quality and service. Learn more at www.savagearms.com.