Savage Selects Experienced, Talented US Sales Representation

WESTFIELD, Massachusetts – September 5, 2019 –Savage Arms has aligned sales priorities and representation by establishing excellent coverage across the United States. JKS Unlimited, Tim Bailey & Associates and Jones & Company will combine to service valued Savage retailers, dealers and distributors. This group will ensure that passionate shooters and hunters across the country will find the best Savage products for their pursuits wherever they shop. 

Jones & Company remains Savage’s choice for the southern US. The company has been with Savage for over 30 years and continues to bring continuity, passion and expertise to its customers on behalf of Savage and several other leading hunting and shooting brands.

JKS Unlimited covers New England and part of the mid-west. The addition of Savage is a very powerful combination with their other well-known lines, such as Vortex Optics. JKS builds lasting relationships within the shooting sports industry through experience, knowledge and customer service.

Tim Bailey & Associates returns to Savage and brings with it more than 30 years of selling experience for the brand. The team will focus their efforts in western states and will rely on their proven ability to plan, implement and execute to help grow the Savage footprint. 

All sales representation groups report to Vice President of Sales Rob Gates. Gates has led sales efforts in multiple markets, categories and areas for several top brands and organizations within the industry. He is now responsible for Savage sales worldwide. 

Press Release Contact: Cathy Williams at

About Savage 

Headquartered in Westfield, Massachusetts for more than 125 years, Savage is one of the world’s largest manufacturers of hunting, competition and self-defense centerfire and rimfire rifles, and shotguns. Their firearms are best known for accuracy and value. The entrepreneurial spirit that originally defined the company is still evident in its ongoing focus on continuous innovations, craftsmanship, quality and service. Learn more at