Shoot Like A Girl® CEO Hosts Educational Session at the NSSF Range and Retailer Summit in New Orleans, Louisiana

ATHENS, Ala. – July 6, 2022– The Shoot Like A Girl® CEO, Karen Butler is proud to announce her upcoming education session at the Firearms Industry Trade Association’s 2022 Range and Retailer Business Expo. Karen will be delivering her education session on increasing sales to women and new shooters on Tuesday, July 12 from 11:15 am to 12:00 pm. 


Karen Butler is the Founder and President of Shoot Like A Girl and prides herself on being a dedicated advocate for all shooting sports. She has previously been named Entrepreneur of the Year by the Women’s Business Center of North Alabama and has been recognized as a leader in hunting, fishing, and conservation. Her industry experience has allowed her to deliver numerous motivational speeches and educational panels on all things business and leadership. She takes the stage at the NSSF Range and Retailer Summit to continue this legacy and educate fellow business owners on how to increase their revenue. 


NSSF members and nonmembers are welcome to register for the 2022 Range and Retailer Expo at the New Orleans Ernest N. Morial Convention Center in New Orleans Louisiana. The Expo runs from July 11-13. This event has been described as the premier gathering for entrepreneurs, startups and well-established firearms range and retail operators and will be filed with seminars and opportunities to meet firearm industry leaders. For a full list of speakers and to learn more on Karen’s credentials, visit the NSSF expo webpage. The expo will assist any level of business in gaining insight to the firearms industry and its latest innovations. Anyone interested in attending can register online, with discounted hotel and travel rates available as well. 


Shoot Like A Girl strives to empower women through shooting sports, and through Karen’s attendance at the Firearms Industry Trade Association 2022 Range and Retailer Business Expo hopes to expand its reach and grow their follower base through active engagement and participation. The expo has graciously been sponsored by USCCA, Gearfire, Crow Shooting and Supply among other top names.


What to Expect

During the event, Karen Butler will be one of many speakers to take the stage and share their expertise. Her session is intended to focus on the differences in how men and women shop and how to ensure stores and ranges don’t miss out on profits by misunderstanding the dynamics of female shopping. Karen has spent years in the firearms industry and will use insight learned from these experiences to assist attendees and increase their revenues. Further information on the session and other speakers is available on the NSSF website


About Shoot Like A Girl  

As a leader in the industry, Shoot Like A Girl® is an events marketing company committed to growing the number of women and families who participate in the shooting sports by empowering them with confidence. The Shoot Like A Girl semi-tractor trailer travels to cities all across the United States that gives attendees an opportunity to shoot pistols, rifles and bows in a fun, safe and comfortable atmosphere. These events utilize InVeris Training Solutions’ state-of-the-art military grade firearm simulator and Shoot Like A Girl diligently promotes firearms safety and ethical hunting to women and their families, creating new outdoor enthusiasts for generations to come. The event is free to each guest thanks to Shoot Like A Girl’s generous corporate partners, including Bass Pro ShopsCabela’sBerettaGLOCKTrueTimberWalker’sBlack Rifle Coffee CompanyVortex OpticsFederal Ammunition,  InVeris Training Solutions, RugerColtMagpulSavage ArmsSpringfield ArmoryWalther, FN AmericaHeckler & KochSmith & WessonTaurusVolquartsenMossberg, UMAREX, GTM Original, CrossBreed HolstersBirchwood CaseyGPS BagsTekMatTruGloNAPApex GearStealth CamMuddyWildgame InnovationsHunter Specialties, ZeroTraceAvian XFlextoneHMEHawkSkull HookerCold SteelThermacellSABRELaCrosse FootwearSOG,  Upper Canyon OutfittersRocky Mountain Elk FoundationPrimosGold Tip ArrowsDead Down WindMoultrie MobileHornadyMathewsHoytBear ArcheryS & S OutdoorsThe WONArchery 360, and Bowhunting 360.