National Deer Association Shares Latest Conservation Education Piece with OICC The United States of Access

November 16, 2023 – The National Deer Association (NDA) is excited to share the latest efforts from the Outdoor Industry Communication Council (OICC) to push their coordinated communications plan for 2023. The latest OICC piece, titled The United States of Access, is the next iteration in the OICC’s campaign towards conservation education, and it details the current status of hunting access in the United States today.

“The proposed tripling of federal funding in the 2023 Farm Bill represents a landmark commitment to preserving hunting access in the US,” said NDA’s President and CEO Nick Pinizzotto. “We at NDA believe it’s crucial to highlight these pivotal moments, foster conversations and contribute to the growth of our Outdoors community.”

The United States of Access explains how the United States has transitioned from the loss of informal recreational access to a more formalized approach, combining private land initiatives and improved management of public lands. A recent survey indicates that nearly 700 million acres of huntable public land are available, including vast expanses managed by the U.S. Forest Service, Bureau of Land Management, state resource agencies, U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service, and the U.S. Corps of Engineers.

The good news continues with the anticipated passage of the 2023 Farm Bill. A crucial provision in this bill proposes a tripling of federal funding for private-land access, boosting the Voluntary Public Access-Habitat Improvement Act (VPA-HIP) from $50 million to $150 million. This significant investment aims to compensate landowners enrolled in Farm Bill programs for allowing public access to their land for activities such as hunting, fishing, hiking, camping, birdwatching and overlanding.

To read this piece in its entirety or follow along as each article is released visit

The NDA and the OICC are committed to promoting responsible and sustainable outdoor activities while ensuring the preservation of natural resources. By sharing the latest developments in hunting access and conservation efforts, they aim to engage the public and encourage active participation in the outdoors. Join NDA and support their mission today, or sign up for their free e-newsletter to receive the latest on deer hunting and management at

About the National Deer Association

The National Deer Association is the leading non-profit deer conservation group and works to ensure the future of wild deer, wildlife habitat and hunting. Formed by combining the strengths of two long-serving, successful organizations, the National Deer Association has a combined 40 years of action that has changed deer management for the betterment of hunting and protected North America’s most vital and admired game species for future generations. Visit or follow @deerassociation on Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, YouTube and TikTok.

About the Outdoor Industry Communication Council (OICC)

Formed around the commitment to educate all Americans about the origins of conservation

funding in America, the Outdoor Industry Communication Council (OICC) is managed by

Outdoor Stewards of Conservation Foundation (OSCF) and Wildlife Management Institute

(WMI). OICC works with outdoor writers to develop informative content that is available to

all outdoor organizations and media at no cost. A primary goal of the OICC is to better

inform and promote the positive contributions that wildlife agencies, industry

manufacturers, NGO’s and end users such as hunters, anglers, trappers and target shooters

make to conservation. Outdoor organizations interested in conservation are welcome to

use any OICC content to expand the reach of messages created by the OICC. To become a

member of the Outdoor Industry Communication Council, contact Jim Curcuruto of OSCF

(203) 450-7202 or Jon Gassett of WMI at (502) 330-9025 There are no costs involved to become a member of the OICC.

Members may utilize OICC materials as they see fit with no restrictions. For additional

information visit
